676 research outputs found

    Mapping of Landslide Hazard Distribution in Alo Watershed Gorontalo Regency

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    Landslide occurrence can be influenced by physical factors and human activities. Thus, research related to the provision of information about landslide distribution in Alo watershed is needed as a basis in enhancing community preparedness in dealing with disasters. The method used in this study is the scoring method based on the Minister of Public Works Regulation No.22 / PRT / M / 2017 which is processed through a geographical information system through the overlay of all physical parameters. The result shows that the Alo watershed area is divided into three vulnerability categories. "Low" category covers 7171.8 ha, "medium" category covers 12008.7 ha, and "high" category covers 5039.5 ha out of 24.221 ha the total area of Alo watershed. Information provided in this research is expected to be able to help the local government in making policies in managing the Alo watershed area and enhancing the understanding of the local community in Alo watershed in dealing with disasters

    Friday Prayer and an Indonesian Islamic Identity in Canberra, Australia

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    This paper analyses the meaning of Friday prayer for Indonesian Muslims students in Canberra, Australia. Due to the nature of obligatory prayer (s}ala>h) in Islam, it is hard to identify the symbolic meaning of every movement of prayer for the Muslim participants. However, using Bowen‎‎'‎‎s analysis, this paper emphasizes the social significance of Friday prayer for its participants in a particular place and time. It argues that Friday prayer is viewed by Indonesian Muslim participants as a medium to strengthen their Islamic faith and their membership of the Indonesian Islamic community in Canberra. Being a minority group, facing a prevailing Western culture, they try to maintain their faith and create social cohesion among Indonesian Muslims through their participation in this Islamic ritual

    Budaya Agraris dalam Konsep Idiom Bahasa Indonesia: Kajian Antropolinguistik

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    Language cannot be separated from culture. In fact, language is the cultural expression of a nation. An agrarian culture in Indonesian has undergone internalization, giving birth to new words and phrases. The results of this study show several words and phrases which are idioms in Indonesian with the process of internalization of agrarian culture. The words and phrases of the agrarian culture can be found in agricultural terms, for example lahan basah, membanting tulang, memeras keringat, panen, mencairkan, and others. These words and phrases have blended in people's minds and expressed everyday culture. Who knows who started and where it came from. However, the Indonesian language user community has accepted these terms as ancestral cultural heritage.  Understanding idioms seems difficult if you only understand the meaning of conventions from Indonesian speakers. The semantic load contained in the concept of idioms is too long a derivative chain. Therefore, this paper bridges Indonesian language users to understand the concept of Indonesian idioms which is an internalization of the Indonesian agrarian culture itself. Bahasa memang tidak bisa dipisahkan dari budaya. Bahkan, bahasa merupakan ekspresi budaya suatu bangsa. Budaya agraris dalam bahasa Indonesia sudah mengalami internalisasi sehingga melahirkan berbagai kata dan frasa baru. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan beberapa kata dan frasa yang merupakan idiom dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan proses internalisasi budaya agraris. Kata dan frasa dari budaya agraris tersebut dapat ditemukan dalam istilah pertanian, misalnya lahan basah, membanting tulang, memeras keringat, panen, mencairkan, dan lain-lain. Kata dan frasa tersebut telah membaur dalam benak masyarakat dan mengekspresikan budaya sehari-hari. Entah siapa yang memulai dan dari mana munculnya. Akan tetapi, masyarakat pengguna bahasa Indonesia telah menerima istilah-istilah tersebut sebagai warisan budaya nenek moyang. Memahami idiom sepertinya sulit jika hanya memahami makna konvensi dari para penutur bahasa Indonesia. Beban semantik yang terkandung dalam konsep idiom terlalu panjang rantai turunannya. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini menjembatani pemakai bahasa Indonesia untuk memahami konsep idiom bahasa Indonesia yang merupakan internalisasi dari budaya agraris masyarakat Indonesia sendiri

    Epistemologi Tauhid Al-faruqi

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    : Al-Faruqi's Theological Epistemology. This writing discusses the concept of tauhid theological epistimology incorporated as part of al-Faruqi's construction of Islamic studies. As a contemporary Muslim thinker, al-Faruqi maintains that tauhid is a substantial point in human's character building in various dimensions. As such, this gives rise to producing the dynamics of tauhid meanings in all aspects of life. This kind of tauhid essence has to be persued at the ontological and epis- temological conceptions. In order to explore such subtance, historical descriptive analysis approach is used so that the formulation of tauhid epistemology of al Faruqi could be known in detail throw light into the tauhid meanings in this life. The writer found that al-Faruqi's scientific paradigm at the level of applying tauhid could be observed through epistemological perspective. This study tries to formulate such epistemological analysis, hoping that it will enlighten human life based on the principles of Islamic creed or tauhid

    Crafting Hizbiyyin in Contemporary Indonesia: Da'wah and Recruitment of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia in South Sulawesi

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    This article aims at analysing the growing membership of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) by looking at its local development in Makassar, South Sulawesi. While many scholars have emphasized external factors in explaining the rise of Islamist movements, including HTI, this study emphasizes internal explanation from the movement itself. It discusses the strong relationship between HTI da'wah doctrines, recruitment strategy and the joining process. The various recruitment methods and strategies of HTI are in line with its doctrinal stages of da'wah, namely the stage of culturing (tathqif), the stage of interaction with the ummah, and the stage of taking over the government. This article suggests that individual persuasion through pre-existing interpersonal networks is crucial in attracting young Muslims to participate in HTI. Borrowing theories of conversion by Lofland-Stark and Wiktorowicz, the article demonstrates three processses of joining in HTI: cognitive opening, religious seeking, and socialization

    Switchable filtering in vivaldi antenna

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    Presented is a new frequency switchable Vivaldi antenna that has a capability to operate in a wideband mode (1-3 GHz) and reconfigure to six different subbands of operations. The reconfiguration is realised by coupling and changing the effective electrical length of ring slots inserted in the structure by means of pin diode switches. To examine antenna performances, simulated and measured results are presented. Good impedance matches and radiation patterns have been achieved. The proposed antenna is suitable for wideband and multimode radio applications

    Epistaxis in Visceral Leishmaniasis with Hematological Correlation

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    Objective. To study the prevalence of epistaxis in visceral leismaniasis and its correlation with hematological profile. Methods. Out of 80 diagnosed cases of visceral leishmaniasis, 19 patients with epistaxis were included in the study. Diagnosis was made by Rk-39 from peripheral smear and LD bodies from bone marrow. Before starting anti-kala-azar treatment, nasal examination findings and hematological profile were noted. Study Design. Prospective cross-sectional hospital-based study. Results. Epistaxis was found in the age group of 7–66 years. Epistaxis was observed in 19 (23.8%) cases. One patient died because of epistaxis and neck hematoma. Conclusion. Epistaxis is a common ENT finding in endemic area of visceral leishmaniasis like our case

    Assessment of Pesticide Use in Major Vegetables From Farmers\u27 Perception and Knowledge in Dhading District, Nepal

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    A field study was carried out to assess the pesticide use status in major vegetable crops from farmers\u27 perception and knowledge in Dhading, Nepal in 2019. Field study was carried with 100 commercial farmer\u27s using semi-structure questionnaire by face to face interview. This study was analyzed by categorization of farmers into small holder (51) and large holder (49) groups on the basis of mean area of vegetable cultivation (6.48 ropani). The highest amount of pesticides is needed in tomato in both large holders and small holders according to the farmer\u27s experience. Among the study farmer\u27s, 41% of them spray the pesticides by making a cocktail or mixed method and 56%  follow the waiting period of 3-5 days in both of the cases. A significant positive correlation was found at 5% level of significance between the knowledge and practice pattern of waiting period of the pesticides and negative correlation was found between the Personal Protective equipment score and health hazard score. Headache was the major health hazards faced by the farmers which was higher in small holders (66.7%) as compared to the large holders (46.9%). Mask was the most used PPE by the farmer\u27s i.e. by 83% in overall. Fourty three percent of the farmer\u27s throw the pesticide containers in secret place after using of it.The use of PPE was seen lower in small holders as compared to the large holders. This study reveals the necessities of suitable program and policies regarding the knowledge, safe handling and use of pesticide among the farmer\u27s level